My Meditation: 2 Peter 1:3

How often

Do we feel like

We can’t make it

Through this life

Will we really receive

Everything we need

To survive?

Will we be good enough

To accomplish anything

Anything at all?

Will we live lives full of purpose

Or will we live only to die?


Do you know the LORD?

Do you know who He is?

He called you not

For how good or accomplished you were

Or are

But because He is glorious

Because of His goodness

He’s called you

Because of who He is

Called you to know the LORD


How many times

Do we cry out

Feeling so ashamed?

We feel like

We can never

Stand in the footsteps

Of the Savior

Can we lift up hands

Like His holy hands?

Can we have faith

That moves mountains?

Can we ever stand in

The Divine Presence

And ever hear the words

“Well done,

Good and faithful servant”?


Do you know the LORD?

Do you know who He is?

He called you not

For how good or accomplished you were

Or are

But because He is glorious

Because of His goodness

He’s called you

Because of who He is

Called you to know the LORD



He is


Sing praises of

All He has done


He is

So very good

He’s so merciful

To us

His power it is

Infinitely able

To provide for us

All we ever need

For life

For godliness

Do you know the LORD?


“His divine power has give us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.” ~2 Peter 1:3